Can You Spot Reduce Fat? The Answer Is Yes

Scientific research has proven that spot reduction can in fact occur when addressing the hormonal imbalances that contribute to fat storage at a specific site on the body. This is based on over 35 years evidence. There was a U.S government funded study which was conducted by my mentor and strength coach Charles Poliquin. It allows for an accurate identification of hormonal, lifestyle and nutritional issues that are unique to the person tested, and enables us to provide individualized solutions. Inpower Fitness uses this also as a basis to find the best exercises that will get results while being able to prescribe the correct intensity, sets, reps and rest periods based off your hormonal imbalance results. It's unlike no other place on the planet.

The 5 determining factors that come up in the test are


2. Gynoid

3. Toxicity

4. Recovery

5. Android

Chin - wellness indicator & will often be the first sites to drop with positives change

Cheek- Another wellness indicator & will often be the first sites to drop with positives change I have also found that reducing (or removing) caffeine consumption can have a massive impact upon the cheek measure due to its over stimulation of the adrenals.

Pec- linked to testosterone. Women will have naturally higher readings in these areas, however, that's not to say that it's an area that can't be positively impacted by strength training to boost testosterone & a reduction on alcohol consumption to limit its estrogenic affect on the body. The impact of alcohol is often seen in the form of "man boobs" in guys who drink large amounts.

Biceps- Same as Pec. We use this to help with a clearer calculation of testosterone levels and high estrogenic effects on the body. It also helps determines how well your body uses androgens

Triceps- Another site for testosterone. It will more accurately determine total and free testosterone

Subscapular- is a brilliant indicator of your tolerance to carbohydrates. If this reading is greater than 10, you should be taking steps to improve your bodies response to insulin by doing a protocol to improve this such as two weeks with no carbs.

Mid Auxiliary- The consumption of inflammatory foods will impact the fat stored in this area and also relates to Thyroid function.

Supra-illiac- how well you control morning insulin and glucose response

The Australian- Amusingly this site the lower back "love handles" are indicative of poor gut health and insulin sensitivity. The introduction of probiotic foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut & yoghurts can have a positive impact in these areas.

The Umbilical- Extended periods of elevated cortisol can impact the fat held on the belly which is commonly incorrectly associated with food. Stress is the major cause of fat being held in this area & that can be stress from any area, training, lifestyle, caffeine, work, family life etc. Whilst utilising carbohydrates & supplements, such as glutamine amongst others that we prescribe, this helps to reduce cortisol post training & can be helpful when working with athletes. Also a reduction of stress can be key to reducing fat in this area for the general population. Meditation, Yoga, Wim Hof breathe exercises can all have a positive impact on getting a lean mid-section.

Calf- Relates to toxicity due to environmental pollutants. Can also be an indication of lack of recovery or sleep. Do you even like your cankles

Knee- Indicates liver toxicity

Quads- Relates to elevated estrogen. These are crucial in knowing and will help determine the correct form of exercise that will get best results. Any excess testosterone that you produce while training will convert to estrogen and make you fatter. It can become increasingly worse if this problem is not addressed with the correct supplementation and training protocol.

Hamstrings- Another site commonly shows up as the priority area, as its relates to the balance of estrogens in the body. Quads are linked to estrogens produced by the body, however hamstrings related to external estrogens that the body is unable to clear from its system. External estrogens are the toxins from everyday modern life such as chemicals in beauty products, fluoride & chlorine in our drinking & tap water, additives in our food and the list could go on & on. Actively reducing the consumption of these stressors on the body will reduce fat on the hamstrings supported by a good super greens product & fibre supplement to pull toxins from the body. I have found that this is the most common site affected by the pollution and chemicals for people in Australia. Probably one of the most highly sort after supplemental protocols sought after with my clients, especially in women. With the correct protocols you can see great results within weeks.

As you can see, all of this information is crucial for knowing lifestyle, nutrition and exercise changes that need to be made. For example, CrossFit, spin classes or high intensity exercise that destroys the nervous system will not be ideal for someone who carries fat around the midsection and thighs causing even more adrenal stress than they are already under.


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